Welcome to SMOP
Message from the President
Pakistan, like other developing countries is experiencing a rise in the incidence of cancer, late presentations and > 50% mortality rate. Within this context, the Society for Medical Oncology Pakistan (SMOP) will provide a platform for oncology professionals to develop multidisciplinary approaches towards the treatment of cancer patients. At the same time, we would like to encourage indigenous research in providing contextually adapted solutions.
Since more than 30% of all cancers are related to infections, smoking, obesity and major environmental hazards such as air and water pollution in developing countries, SMOP aims to raise awareness in the public on the importance of early screening and preventative approaches. As oncology professionals, we must educate the public to minimise the risk of cancer and encourage them to have cancers screened earlier so the disease can be treated more effectively.
Dr. Adnan A. Jabbar

We conduct our work without compromise on honesty. In our research, our expenditures, our judgments, and our approach to life, we are completely transparent, because transparency is the only way of ensuring integrity.
We are whole-heartedly devoted to accomplishing our mission. In our support for one another, our service to our profession, and our care for our patients, we insist on complete commitment.
We take full responsibility for all our actions and decisions. We alone are accountable for our professional conduct.
The field of medical oncology is a fast-changing one; what was standard practice today is obsolete tomorrow. We are never satisfied with the status quo, but pushing for excellence at all times. Only thus can we fully serve our patients.
Upcoming International Conferences
ESMO Congress
9th – 13th September 2022
The ESMO Congress 2022
The ESMO Congress 2022 will present the very latest advances in the treatment of cancer and offer an excellent educational programme, with a wealth of opportunities for exchange of ideas among delegates.
25th – 30th September 2022
Protocol Development Workshop
A one-week online program in effective clinical trial design for early career clinical cancer researchers from all oncology sub-specialties based in the Asia Pacific region.
EHOC 2022
5th – 8th October 2022
XIII Eurasian Hematology Oncology Congress (EHOC 2022) h
The online abstract submission system will be available and open until midnight 24:00 (Istanbul Time) on July 17, 2022.
JSCO Frontier Symposium
20th – 22nd October 2022
The Future of cancer treatment based on bonds of trust
October 20(Thu) – 22 (Sat), 2022 | KOBE Convention Center